Edit Menu Features

Available at all times except when the current window is a test window.

Reverses the last action you did.

Undo reverses up to 10 levels of undo. Unlike most word processors, each character stroke is considered one level.

The Redo menu option is active only after you have used the Undo menu option.

After using Undo, the Redo command repastes or deletes the previous undo action.

The Cut menu option will vary based on the current file being viewed.

When the current file is in a preview or source view window (except for preview of frames), the Cut option is as follows:

Removes the selected text and/or image(s) from your Web page and places it on the Windows clipboard, where it is stored until something else is cut or copied to the clipboard. Once a selection is cut, it can be pasted from the clipboard into another part of the same Web page, or into an entirely different Web page.

The Copy menu option will vary based on the current file being viewed.

When the current file is in a preview or source view window (except for preview of frames), the Copy option is as follows:

Makes a copy of the selected text and/or image(s) on your Web page and places it on the Windows clipboard, where it is stored until something else is cut or copied to the clipboard. Once a selection is copied to the clipboard, it can be pasted into another part of the same Web page, or into an entirely different Web page.

The Paste menu option will vary based on the current file being viewed:

When the current file is in a preview or source view window (except for preview of frames), the Paste menu option is as follows:

Inserts a copy of the text and/or image(s) that are currently on the Windows clipboard into the Web page at the current cursor position. The contents of the clipboard can be pasted as many times as you want.

See Images when using the Paste option in an image file.
Available when the current file is in a preview (except preview of frames) or source view window.

Deletes the currently selected text, image, or HTML element. If nothing is selected, it deletes the character to the right of the cursor.
Available at all times, except when the current file is a frame page in a preview window or an image file in the image editor.

Displays the Find box, which allows you to find certain text in your Web page.

To use the Find option:

  1. In the "Find What:" field, type the text you want Web Factory to search for in the file.

    You can type as little as one character or space, or as much as several words.

  2. Each time you click the Find Next button, Web Factory searches for and selects the next instance of that text.

    You can then click the Cancel button in order to edit the text, or continue clicking Find Next to see remaining instances of the text.

If you select the Match Case check box, Web Factory will find only that text which is capitalized exactly as that which you typed in the "Find What" field.

You can also choose the direction you want Web Factory to search for the text: down from the current cursor position; up from the current cursor position; or search all of the file, starting at the beginning of the file.

Available when the current file is in a preview or source view window (except for preview of frames).

Displays the Replace box, which allows you to automatically replace certain text in your Web page with different text.

To use the replace option:

  1. In the "Find What:" field, type the text you want removed from the Web page.

  2. In the "Replace With:" field, type the text you want the "Find What" text to be replaced with in the file.

    Each time you click the Find Next button, Web Factory finds and selects the next instance of the "Find What" text.

  3. Click the Replace button to replace the selected text with the "Replace With" text.

    Or, you can continue clicking Find Next to see remaining instances of the text.

If you are certain you want all instances of the "Find What" text replaced, you can click the Replace All button to automatically replace all instances of the "find what" text in your Web page with the "replace with" text.

You can also choose the direction you want Web Factory to search for the text: down from the current cursor position; up from the current cursor position; or search all of the file, starting at the beginning of the file.

Validate HTML
Available when the current file is in a preview or source view window (except for preview of frames).

Checks the HTML source code of the current Web page to ensure that all required tags and end tags are included, and are spelled correctly. Warns you about tags that Web Factory does not recognize, and allows you to correct them or ignore the warning and continue. Such warnings are usually the result of typographical errors when you typed in the tag, incorrect tag attributes or parameters, or simply the use of a recently introduced tag that your version of Web Factory does not support.

This validation feature is most useful with Web pages that were created outside of Web Factory (for instance, in a text editor such as Notepad), or when you have edited the HTML source code directly in Web Factory. Web Factory will not delete or change unrecognized tags, in order to allow you complete control over the HTML.

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This Web page created in Web Factory.